Welcome to Practical Sustainablity Solutions

This blog will provide the following functions to fulfill the requirement of environmental sustainability and FGCU University Colloquium's class in order to examine the current environmental, social, and economic situation. More importantly, based on these understandings supported by sound scientific evidence and reasoning, practical solutions to improve social and economic situations will be promoted for a mutually beneficial relationship.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Journal Entry 19- The Meaning of Colloquium

The Meaning of Colloquium
The largest challenge in education aside from learning the material is the proper application and use of that knowledge.  My personal standpoints and beliefs are based off of the facts and knowledge I’ve gained.  University Colloquium in that sense has attempted force me to conform the ideology suggesting a personal and cultural change along with a sense of urgency to change behavior to avoid an already inevitable environmental disaster.  I did gain valuable knowledge on the inter-connected human activity and the effects on the environment.  The knowledge applied to my personal life allows me to make small behavioral adjustments to ease my own personal impact (demand for energy and resources) without a major lifestyle or standard of living adjustment.  Common sense solutions to become environmental friendly should be promoted to achieve sustainability.  Academically the course is a graduation requirement and does not specifically benefit me aside from a renewed sense of environmental awareness similar to that of other classes.  University Colloquium doesn’t directly apply to my degree being a Business Management Major.  I would have preferred a Colloquium class customized to benefit the major colleges which would concentrate focus on a more direct connection to my career pursuit.  There was related information which will prove useful in the business environment because business involves human capital (influenced by social factors), resources (both energy and ecological), as well as economics (also influenced by the other factors).  Business opportunities will appear when environmental changes create demand; similarly business operation must be sustainable to provide for long term strategic planning. 

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