Welcome to Practical Sustainablity Solutions

This blog will provide the following functions to fulfill the requirement of environmental sustainability and FGCU University Colloquium's class in order to examine the current environmental, social, and economic situation. More importantly, based on these understandings supported by sound scientific evidence and reasoning, practical solutions to improve social and economic situations will be promoted for a mutually beneficial relationship.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reflect Upon: National Geographic Strange Days #6

In National Geographic’s Strange Days: The One Degree Factor addresses the observations by humans in recent history over the changes the earth is experiencing.  The most notable observations discussed is the North American Heard of Caribou which has been diminishing in numbers drastically.  The main worry and fear pushed in the movie is the idea that the rapid changing in earth’s temperature and weather cycles will not allow animals to adapt quick enough.  They showed how increased temperatures benefit other organisms particularly mosquitoes with longer mating seasons and they prey upon the caribou.  These contribute toward the decline in population.  
I believe that there must be a standard of living adjustment to make any human induced change however the best way to do that is through innovation, financial incentives, and demand from both consumers and businesses to adapt their current standards and practices.  Migration, shifts, and adjustments are constantly changing because earth is a diverse and ever changing environment.  The earth is able to counter balance any abnormality because for every behavior there is a counter behavior which matches that.   The problem is if the abnormality sways too far that life is threatened because the recovery time is not available then people will experience the consequences.  These consequences will range in magnitude based on the severity of the items affected.  This would include food supplies and other necessities provided by earth. 
The best way to approach the impending problems discussed in the video is to make common sense adjustments to every behavior.  If businesses reduce ‘throw away materials’ by passing on the savings to the consumers there will be a three way mutual benefit.  Businesses will be more competitive by passing the savings onto the consumers, consumers will benefit from the discounted incentives, and the environment will reduce the volume of waste and strain on its natural functions. 

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